This program is free of cost, and we provide breakfast, snack, and lunch.
Featuring low student to teacher ratio for the best one on one experience for your child!
Dynamic Team Work
Low ratios allow for tailored learning experiences
Scaffolded learning process builds solid foundation
Learning through play for more authentic education
Focus on social skills and emotional wellbeing
Preschool Info:
BVRP follows LUSD Calendar (click on link)
Monday-Friday 9:00am-2:00pm
1250 Soda Bay Rd.
Lakeport CA 95453
Director: Breanna Drewrey
Lead Teacher: Heidi Stone
Facebook Link:
BVR Preschool focuses on appropriate student development for the preschool age. Some key features we include are:
Science experiments
Creative expressions/learning through art
Dramatic play
Math concepts
Outdoor play
Sensory bins (water, water beads, play dough, sand, beans, etc.)
Field trips
Does my student qualify?
To attend BVRP, students must:
Be 3 by September 1st (if your child turns 3 between September 1st and December 1st, please contact us to determine eligibility)
No older than 5 by September 1st of the current school year
Must be potty trained
Child or guardian must be a BVR Tribal Member, or guardian may be an employee of BVR