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The Big Valley Rancheria Water District operates two water treatment systems and an onsite waste water treatment facility.


Big Valley Rancheria Water Treatment Plant – BVRWTP - (PWS – ID # 0605164).

The Big Valley Rancheria Water Treatment Plant (BVRWTP), Public Water System (PWS # 0605164) was inaugurated in 2003 and serves Konocti Vista Casino, 80 – room Hotel and 90 slip Marina, 74 space Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park, buildings and 38 Tribal homes. Facilities include one active well, a treatment plant, pumping facility, a 270,000-gallon storage tank and a distribution system. The system obtains water from a ground water well located adjacent to Soda Bay Road about one fourth mile southwest of the Big Valley Rancheria. Water is pumped from the well to a water treatment plant designed to include iron and manganese oxidation and removal, granular activated carbon adsorptive filtration, addition of orthophosphate for corrosion control and hypochlorination for disinfection. The PWS has 38 residential connections that provide water to approximately 190 residents in the Tribal housing sub-division. Four non-residential connections serve the Tribal business enterprises. The enterprises employ   approximately 125 employees and an average of 3000 visitors daily.  The PWS is classified as a community Public Water System and is regulated by EPA for both acute and chronic contaminants. Based on EPA Tribal Classification Guidance – the system’s classification is Treatment Level 2, Distribution Level 2.


Big Valley Community Center Public Water Supply system (PWS) (PWS – ID # 0605152).

The ground water supply system was constructed in 2002 is classified by EPA as a transient system non-community public water system. Essentially PWS # 0605152 serves the community center (30 people), at the gymnasium


Big Valley Rancheria Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)

The Big Valley Rancheria Waste Water Treatment Plant (BVR WWTP) was constructed in 2003 and consists of a community collection system with three sewer lift stations (See Figure 2). The housing lift station collects sewage from 38 homes from the Tribal housing development site located on the corner of Soda Bay Rd and Osprey Court. The RV Park lift station located inside the RV Park collects sewage from the Casino, Hotel and RV Park. The community lift station serves the Gymnasium and head start facility which dumps into the gravity line at Redfeather Ln which leads to the Housing Lift Station. The WWTP was initially designed as Class V, Subclass 5, W32 Injection well (Drain field Disposal Method) under the EPA Underground Injection Control (IUC) program.



The mission of Big Valley Rancheria Water District (BVRWD) is to ensure that all Big Valley Rancheria Tribal subdivision homes, and Business Enterprises, have adequate supply of safe and reliable drinking water, in compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) standards, to protect human health and the environment, and improve the overall quality of life of Big Valley Rancheria Tribal Community.


Staff and Contacts

  1. John Gichuki; Public Works Manager;  Phone-  (707) 263-3924 x133 (Day); (707) 533-6399 (Night and Cell); Email 

  2. Steve Johnson; Water Technician; Phone-  (707) 262-1658 (Day);  (707)264-9021(Night and Cell); Email;

  3. Sal Castellanos

  4. Leon Fred


Existing Projects/incoming projects

  1. Big Valley Rancheria - Corrosion Control Treatment Feasibility with EPA drinking water protection section

  2. Big Valley Rancheria, Drinking Water Treatment and Supply Improvements-  Pre-development Planning Grant (PPG)

  3. Water Efficiency Improvement and Leak Repair Project with Housing Department 



  1. Tribal Utility Capacity and Sustainability Initiative Report for the Big Valley Rancheria- August 2013

  2. Big Valley Rancheria  Water District – Water Rate Structure - 2014

  3. Big Valley Rancheria - Vulnerability Assessment and  Emergency Response Plan 2015



Important Links (government or other related organizations, etc.)


  1. Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) -

  2. Indian Health Service (IHS)-

  3. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-

  4. California Rural Water Association-

  5. Intertribal Council of Arizona (ITCA)-

  6. State Water Resources Control Board-

  7. California State University Office of Water Programs-

  8. EPA Region 9- Drinking Water Protection Section (WTR 3-2)-



Public Works

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